Isles of Man Post pleased to release a special issue of stamps for celebrating Christmas 2005 which feature stunning examples of stained glass windows from Churches on the Island. The five stamps have issued on November 7, 2005.
The 26 p stamp present Mother and Child, Mary and Jesus. A detail from the window at the West end of the south aisle at St. German’s Cathedral, Peel.
The 29p stamp present Angel with the Crown of Glory. A detail from St. German’s Cathedral, Peel.The church used pictures to great effect for bible and morality stories. Stain glass continued, and even increased, in favour as wall painting diminished.
The 42 p stamp present Shepherds come to warship the Christ Child. A further detail from the same window at Peel, St German’s is unusual in having two windows side by side at the west end both depicting the Nativity. The larger nave window replaced a different one blown out in great storm of 1903.
The 60 p stamp present A less stylized version of the Christmas Story. The Christ Child born in a stable and laid in a manger lovingly looked after by Mary and Joseph whilst the animals look on. A detail from the left hand apse window of Kirk Christ, Rushen.
The 68 p stamp presents Wise Men from The East. Often referred to as the Three Kings bring their gifts, but being warned in a dream that Herod intends to harm the baby Jesus they go home by a different route. A detail from one of the nave windows at Kirk Christ, Rushen.
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